Computer hardware is constantly changing and can be overwhelming when considering what upgrades are nedded or what repairs need to be completed. Just when you think your computer is new, it's old. Here at CIS, we make sure we're knowledgeable with the "What's New!". This helps us with all the hardware issues we see on a daily basis. Does this work with this? Can we do that? What's interchangeable? CIS has all the answers. We want to keep you running smoothly and efficiently.
Examples of typical hardware:
• Hard Drives
• Graphics/ Video Cards
• Power Supply
• Mother Boards
• CPU's and Processors
• Web Cams
• Microphones
• Servers
• and much more...
Our CIS technicians will make sure all your computer hardware is installed, up-to-date and working correctly together.
Contact us today to get your business up and running in no time.
Technology Advice, Reliable Solutions, Real Results!